Call for papers
This second edition “Learning from the Lost”, values all those researchers involved in techniques, materials and methods to make possible the preservation of the underwater archaeological remains. This session focuses on Underwater Cultural Heritage that would survive with the appropriate treatment and is currently lost. We are looking for a real lesson learned session.
Conservation and restoration in Underwater Archaeology is a relatively new field. Experimentation and definition of treatments applied to materials from underwater provenance play a pivotal role in the discipline that has permitted an essential improvement over the last years. This session aims to analyse and discuss the history of restoration and conservation due to the necessity of discussing the alterations happening due to the alkaline conditions, chlorides or other conditions present on the underwater archaeological materials.
UNESCO defines the in situ preservation as a core rule in the the protection of underwater cultural heritage shall be considered as the first option. Without a strategy for preservation constantly refreshed by new data and challenged by new questions, we are in danger of saving the wrong things. This session explores the criteria for the in situ conservation, selection of sites to be conserved, and the sense of various methodologies and techniques.
Nowadays, new technologies and innovations are constantly applied in the conservation and restoration of Underwater Archaeological Heritage. As part of the group of sessions, we call for researchers explicitly working on all those advances in the different projects that incorporate these methodologies, new treatments and materials to underwater archaeological sites. We invite those laboratories and companies to show their work using digital technologies, allowing the discussion between professionals from underwater provenance to present their advances.